The season is pretty big but it won't take as long to release every feature as originally planned.
The season is pretty big but it won't take as long to release every feature as originally planned.
It's all in the timing, right?
This was certainly a surprise announcement to see in my inbox this morning!
Some people want more, some want less. No one wants them to be half-hearted.
At least eight female employees reported his behavior.
Log in, collect letters, win prizes. It's that easy.
The next update will try to do for the open world what the last update did for Roads of Avalon.
There are the bug fixes and general updates as well.
There just isn't a compelling reason why the game wasn't F2P from the start.
It's the anniversary celebration that never ends!
What was once one of the most hyped MMORPGs hits the pile of "never came west at all" games.
Also, the devs are really excited about the new hot zones.
There are some amazing outfits in the collab, too.
Even DCUO is getting some D&D love.
A deep-dive of the Japanese-inspired update is scheduled for the Tokyo Game Show.
That's a bold claim, but it could be true if the Duality mechanic is useful enough.
Travel through the outskirts of Nessus and make your way to the planetary core.
If you'd rather burn those levels quickly, you need to do it today.
In fact, taking control of a fortress could make PvE dungeons free for your faction.
It also addresses cheating. It seems it’s that time of the year.
And it has the vaguest Steam page we’ve ever seen.
The 1v6 mode will offer a new experience for players.
The new system is designed to make competition more fruitful and open up the mode to new players.
It also offers a look at Ubisoft’s anti-cheat systems.
Innova is taking over sometime later this year.