It's a new method of storytelling in Destiny 2, but what story will they tell next?
It's a new method of storytelling in Destiny 2, but what story will they tell next?
Hard mode dungeons and other events come with the update.
Progression will be capped at level 30.
Explore Tamriel’s dungeons and receive special rewards and event tickets.
Fixes are in the works, but don’t expect them all right away.
None of them appear to be the big companies, but that’s probably to be expected.
Do a little studying, earn a special title.
You know the drill: kill mechs, get motes, buy prizes.
A reimagined Aberration map and the continuation of Bob’s Tall Tales are now available.
The beta is coming soon.
Tencent-owned Lightspeed LA was the first to sign.
Look the part when you face the ‘Nosferatu Zodd’ world boss.
This one has been a long time coming and I'm very interested in how well it does.
Now we wait as Innova will "consider" adding new content after the migration.
The date for the PS4 version to be discontinued will come later.
Today's lesson, class, is "How to get the Sandpaper out of your game's movement."
Take advantage of those R&D Week bonuses.
They bought themselves some time, but that was it.
There's even more, but I couldn't fit it all in the headline.
Yoshi-P has a busy couple of months – not that he’s probably ever not busy.
There's also new mobs, maps, and loot in the Infinite Archive dungeon.
MapleStory Fest 2024 is right around the corner.
Shredder and Krang are coming along for the ride, and so are some great camos.
Control more of the field by playing as two bodies at once.
More XP, more rare rate drops, SG, Special Scratch Tickets, and other goodies.