Noobfridge sits down with Scot Lane to talk about New World's past and future.
By Troy Blackburn -
Noobfridge sits down with Scot Lane to talk about New World's past and future.
A post-apocalyptic sandbox filled with mutants.
Today's dev talk is all about Awakened Weapons
Here we go again.
She is live in game today.
There will be wipes, and you have to pay to test.
Earn rewards by completing daily events as a community.
6,000 files compromised.
Players must band together to protect Aeternum.
It'll be a few more days before you can play the extraction shooter.
Sword and board, hammers, spells, dragons...and yeah, tanks...because why not?
Here's what the MMOBomb staff have been playing this year.
There are, of course, some restrictions.
The world will look a little different from now on.