Producers Letter for both games give us timelines for the next expansions.
By Troy Blackburn -
Producers Letter for both games give us timelines for the next expansions.
5 new heroes and a new game mode await.
It's an update with in-game Titles, but they are also for sale.
Arachnids must die!
The October roadmap is up as well.
New missions, Incursions return, and new cosmetics.
Just a glimpse.
Part 1 of the Atlantic City update arrives December 5th.
Players will have a reason to defend their territories in open-world PvP.
Take these MMORPG Games on the go.
They're trying to create something truly unique in the MMORPG genre.
Arenas, Mythic Dungeons, and a special Bonus Event.
BlizzCon takes place November 3-4 2023 in Anaheim, CA
Alpha testing has also been confirmed for early 2024.