If you've ever watched an Anime with mechs, you'll know the first version of a mech is never the best version.
If you've ever watched an Anime with mechs, you'll know the first version of a mech is never the best version.
Pax Prime brought more news regarding SOE's first of two sandbox MMOs, Everquest Next: Landmark.
Introducing the Yuton race, Snails Game's second race in their new steampunk MMO Black Gold Online.
In a not so surprising move, BattleForge has decided to call it quits, announcing their decision Tuesday via their website.
Extraction is a tactical team-oriented first person shooter from one of the original pioneers of class based shooters, Splash Damage.
Who says you can't go Home(world) again?...
Couldn't get a beta key for 1337 Game's Tactical Intervention?...
Of course, the next MMO we expected from the company that brought us the boobalicious Age of Conan and the game with a sex scene in its intro (if you rolled Dragon), The Secret World, was a LEGO game aimed at a kid-friendly audi...
Gaijin Entertainment's new CGI trailer for War Thunder hits all the right notes.
Iran has decided to ban a majority of the female champions in League of Legends from being played in the WCG 2013 Game Festival.
In this week's episode of Free-to-Play Podcast we look a three new MMO's from Perfect World that may be headed to the West soon.
You may remember us briefly speaking about Splash Damage's upcoming shooter Dirty Bomb a time or two in the past.
League of Legends was hacked, new Dead Island: Epidemic details are in, Perfect World talks upcoming titles, Blizzard discusses WoW's future with F2P, and more on this week's episode of F2P Weekly!...
Bet you didn't know Firefall's open beta had stages did ya?...