Hi-Rez has done several not so popular things over the past few months.
Hi-Rez has done several not so popular things over the past few months.
On this episode of Bomblive, Spunkify returns to Warframe after many months to survey the changes.
Sometimes in a game's development cycle, hard decisions must be made and features can be cut.
Turbine has finally announced the release date for The Lord of The Rings Online: Helm's Deep expansion.
In this week's episode of Free-to-Play Podcast Spunkify has returned from his weekend at PAX Prime with new details regarding some upcoming AAA F2P titles.
Hardware: Shipbreakers gains new development support, new Everquest Next: Landmark details arrive at Pax Prime, Battleforge gets the axe, Marvel Heroes undergoes a major revamp and more on this week's episode of F2P Weekly!...
Ubisoft's latest self proclaimed "nex-gen" browser game sounds a bit like a trending political Twitter tag.
When it comes to heroes, The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot was admittedly lacking in the gender diversity department.
When Gearbox granted the Homeworld IP to developer Blackbird Interactive they apparently did more than just update the titles name, they fundamentally altered how the game itself would be released.
At this year's PAX Prime I chatted with S2 Games and had a look at their new MOBA Strife.
Like a tidal wave, Riot Games has been known to swallow up new developers left and right.
The newest update for Marvel Heroes brings some of the biggest changes to date for the action RPG.
It's always amusing when developers add a major mechanic into the game's name.
Today on Bomblive, Spunkify masters his inner MMO as he attempts to showcase PvP in Forge!...