Michael Byrne (Page 133)

Previewing the Primalist: Rift's 3.4 Update

Rift's 3.4 update "Into the Wilds" isn't that far off and I got the opportunity to sit down with Simon Ffinch, Senior Design Director, to take a tour of the new Planetouched Wilds zone and experience the new Primalist calling ...

By Michael Byrne -
First Assault Stress Tests Starts Tomorrow

Nexon's Ghost in the Shell inspired free to play game, First Assault, will kick off a stress test tomorrow, October 1st, and run until Monday, October 4th.

By Michael Byrne -
Wizards of the Coast and HEX: Shards of Fate Settle Lawsuit

Wizards of the Coast, Cryptozoic Entertainment and Hex Entertainment (creators of the free to play TGC, HEX: Shards of Fate) have entered into a settlement agreement over the popular digital trading-card game Hex: Shards of Fa...

By Michael Byrne -
Warhammer 40K: Dark Nexus Arena - First Look Gameplay

WhiteBox Interactive has gotten a hold of the Warhammer 40K license and has constructed Dark Nexus Arena, a free to play MOBA that has a few differences from the normal MOBA offering.

By Michael Byrne -
WildStar Countdown Party from Now Until Midnight Launch

WildStar's free to play launch is just days away now and Carbine Studios has decided to hold a midnight launch party as the free to play MMORPG goes live at midnight September 29th Eastern US time. Over on the WildStar Twit...

By Michael Byrne -