Time to catch them all!...
Time to catch them all!...
Aeria Games has unleashed the new Warlock class in its latest update to the free-to-play MMORPG Echo of Soul.
Chatting with Scott Shicoff, Lead Designer for Neverwinter, is always fun.
Black Desert Online is changing payment models when it releases in the West, Dragomon Hunter goes into beta, TERA adds beginning game updates, and we do a mini review for Bless Online.
KOG Games, publisher of the free to play game Elsword, has inked a deal with developer A.Storm to bring the title HeroWarz to North America.
CABAL 2's latest update, Ruins of the Gods, goes live today in the free to play MMORPG from ESTSoft.
Webzen's MU Online turns 14 years old and to give players a bit of a peek into the game's future they held a press conference called "MU: STORY and Next..." where they revealed details and a roadmap for the free to play MMORPG...
Yes, you read that correctly.
Webzen has announced that the initial beta phase, which should last for about a week, has begun for ELOA: Elite Lord of Alliance.
Not a lot to type here, but if you've been anxiously awaiting more information about Blizzard's upcoming match based shooter Overwatch, clear your schedule this Thursday, October 15th, at about 1 PM Eastern US time.
Dorado Online Games has taken down the ability to register for Gladiators Online as the game preps for its October 27th launch on Steam.
This weekend I had a chance to sit down and chat with TERA's Sr.
Long predicted (and yelled about on the internet), WildStar has finally made the free to play transition.
On this episode of Gameplay Action/Foreign Fridays, Zach Sharpes gives his thoughts on one of the most highly anticipated free to play MMOs currently in Korea, Bless Online.