Jason Winter (Page 66)

Next To Go F2P: Fall Guys And Torchlight III?

A pair of developers were scooped up this week, which left us here at MMOBomb wondering if their latest games could be headed into the free-to-play space in the near future. Yesterday, Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout developer...

By Jason Winter -
Check Out Stellar New Agent Astra In Valorant's Act II, Now Live

Valorant's Episode 2: Act II update is now live, and its star is the cosmically named new controller agent Astra, who's out of this world -- or at least out of her body, from time to time. Astra can enter Astral Form, where...

By Jason Winter -
Midwinter Entertainment Profiles Scavengers' Roster Of Explorers

Free-to-play survival shooter Scavengers is still in beta, but the team at Midwinter Entertainment decided to cast back the curtain a bit for everyone this weekend, with a post on its site profiling the Explorers you'd be able...

By Jason Winter -