Jason Winter (Page 64)

Super Bomberman R Online Going F2P On PS4, XB1, Switch, and PC

Free-to-play Super Bomberman R Online was made exclusive for the Stadia last year, but with that console's future in doubt, Konami is looking to expand its player base for the classic title. Super Bomberman R will be laun...

By Jason Winter -
Albion Online Plagued By Speed Hacker

Albion Online has an issue with "one very dedicated and technically skilled cheater" who's making effective use of speed hacks.

By Jason Winter -
Cryptic Studios Will Adopt Permanent Work From Home Policy

As has been the case with many video game developers, the men and women of Cryptic Studios have been working from home for about a year -- and that temporary measure is about to become a permanent one. Star Trek Online Desi...

By Jason Winter -
(UPDATED) Naïca Developers Respond To Security Exploit Claims

UPDATE (March 10): The developers of Naïca have spoken up in their defense, repudiating the claims of Redditor gamingsec about their game's security, particularly the accusation that account information could be easily obtain...

By Jason Winter -