Also near the top: FFXIV, Elder Scrolls Online, and (somehow) Battlefield 2042.
Also near the top: FFXIV, Elder Scrolls Online, and (somehow) Battlefield 2042.
Character data will be retained, no word on fate of Xbox version.
Initial claims were made in 2018 following exposé by Kotaku.
Star Trek Online and Perfect World MMO also post healthy numbers.
International Steam client was reportedly targeted by a "DNS cache poisoning attack."
We've got MMORPGs, shooters, racers, ARPGs, and one weird cross-genre brawler!
Monthly updates are still on target, but will focus more on fixes than new content.
WotC's first digital Magic game went live in 2002.
Scottish-inspired "Highlanders" season now underway, all servers back online.
To be clear, that's XI, not XIV.
Launch is "not going quite as well as we had hoped," soundtrack DLC offered for sale.
Kickstarted MMORPG will be 'metaversified.'
Hope you're not afraid of heights!
Subtitle: Bwah ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha.