Prize track every week and legendary skins.
Prize track every week and legendary skins.
Second Dragonbone Vale chapter goes live next month.
Easier to fit in and less frustrating than learning to play Eve Online.
Along with the usual slate of battlepass rewards and patch notes.
Set was originally scheduled for release on February 1.
Over 2.4 billion tweets were counted in the year, and no, they weren't all about NFTs.
Also added over 100 new employees during first pandemic year.
Development has apparently begun at a first-part Sony studio in Europe.
Also: Udyr loses his antlers.
Refresher course on classes, lore, ships, home base, crafting, dungeons, PvP -- all in five minutes!
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition feedback was "insanely positive"; no substantial news on future games.
Plus: Will Daybreak make noise in the new year?
Fresh start servers have also been delayed "until further notice."
"We will not tolerate hateful activity" and "we absolutely condemn this behaviour."