Wargaming finally gave press their first glimpse of the upcoming Naval MMO World of Warships and broke the news surrounding their upcoming Xbox 360 port of World of Tanks.
Wargaming finally gave press their first glimpse of the upcoming Naval MMO World of Warships and broke the news surrounding their upcoming Xbox 360 port of World of Tanks.
We are just under a week away from the start of this year's E3 expo where we will get our first real gameplay look at Wargaming's upcoming World of Warships.
While World of Warplanes continues to trudge along in a seemingly perpetual state of closed beta, Wargaming.net has already begun showcasing screenshots of their next game, World of Warships. The latest images showcase severa...
Wargaming, the company behind the extremely popular World of Tanks, announced today that they would be changing the title of their upcoming naval title World of Battleships, to just World of Warships.