Been wondering why Dragonflight's PTR isn't active? Here's why.
Been wondering why Dragonflight's PTR isn't active? Here's why.
You can also practice self-love in Azeroth for a limited time.
The Power of Fan-Made Mods! If you like to customize your game experience, these are the MMOs for you.
Are you not entertained?
Show off these fancy achievements to your friends.
Things get a little different for Wilfredo in this particular episode.
If challenging end-game content is you jam, these are the MMORPGs for you.
Damn...you're really about to feel old with some of these big MMORPG birthdays!
New public events, a new zone, and Dragonriding goes worldwide.
The best celebrations and rewards in all of MMOs.
Our 2024 MMO predictions can't possibly go wrong...right?
Here's at the details on how it works.
Season of Discovery phase 2 is on its way!
6 bold predictions from the Noobfridge on how 2024 will shape up for online gaming.
You best be Level 80 by now.
Worldwide dragonriding isn’t far off.
MMORPGs and RPGs excel at different things, but both can also be fun.
/PLAYED 2023
This is good news for fans in the country, and definitely Blizzard’s wallet.
There’s still some Dragonflight wrap-up to take care of first.
It's a new form of character progression, offering new powers and class-specific features.
Here are some of the reasons we love MMORPGs.
It's a showdown of the top monetization models out there.
Sometimes, it's just awesome to take in the views in some MMORPGs.
Blizzard isn't being very clear with players on why this change is coming next week.
About-facing, dropping esports, and poaching things from other games...wild week in multiplayer gaming!
Okay, they’re calling it “Follower Dungeons”.
These are our favorite MMOs to meet new folks in.
What a weird week in multiplayer gaming...let's talk about all of it!
Is this the Classic Plus y'all were hoping for? I see why now.