Earlier this week, the wild speculation about a new format fueled by a video game developer was "Will Final Fantasy XIV go free-to-play?...
Earlier this week, the wild speculation about a new format fueled by a video game developer was "Will Final Fantasy XIV go free-to-play?...
Knights of the Frozen Throne did pretty well for Hearthstone.
Love World of Tanks?...
The newest chapter of World of Tanks' co-op PvE War Stories campaigns are now live on consoles.
Update 9.20 has been deployed for World of Tanks, bringing 30v30 battles, new Chinese tank destroyers, and tweaks to vehicles of several nations. The opt-in 30v30 battles are a new type of Random Battles, dubbed Grand Battl...
The good news?...
The collaboration between Wargaming and European heavy metal band Sabaton is finally starting to bear fruit.
World of Tanks in virtual reality?...
Could infantry be marching into Wargaming's titles son?...
Wargaming is no stranger to the "WW2 movie tie-in" business.
July 4 is America's birthday!...
The heaviest tanks weigh dozens of tons.
A few weeks ago, Wargaming and Extra Credits teamed up to present a series about the sinking of the German battleship Bismarck to help promote World of Warships.
Wargaming's Update 9.19 for World of Tanks went live on Wednesday, and it's on the verge of unlocking ranked battles for high-tier players.
It's nearly "All Systems Go!...
UPDATE: Wargaming has issued an official statement regarding this entire affair, co-signed by four members of the company.
It feels like we've been talking about Armored Warfare's Update 0.19 ...
Who doesn't love to hate matchmaking in PvP games?...
World of Tanks' battles are about to get bigger.
Tanks aren't known for their speed.
Considering its Eastern European roots, it's a little surprising that Wargaming has never placed its championship event inside Russia.
A few months ago, we talked about Wargaming's efforts to support War Child, a charity devoted to aiding victims of war-torn areas.
Someone at Wargaming really likes '80s action movie actors with martial-arts pedigrees. This time it's Dolph Lundgren's turn to star in a goofy promotional video.
2015's Rubicon update for World of Tanks was, to put it mildly, a disaster.
There's a lot in the pipeline for World of Tanks, as Wargaming revealed at GDC this week -- though the major changes seem to fall into the category of "What, you hadn't done/fixed that yet?...
Tomorrow, Wargaming will be hosting a live stream via Facebook offering players a peek at what's coming to World of Tanks in 2017.
Wargaming is celebrating three years of World of Tanks on consoles by offering players a free tank and the armored fighting division of a new nation. All you have to do is log in on PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, or Xbox One betw...
Welcome to episode #3 of Hi-Lo: The MMOBomb Game Show!...
Not feeling sufficiently rewarded by free-to-play games on Xbox One?...
Welcome to a brand new show here at MMOBomb!...