You can download the most recent NCSoft financial report today from the company's Earnings Releases page, and, unlike Bob Ross on Twitch, it doesn't exactly paint a pretty picture. As you can see from the chart at the top, ...
WildStar (Page 4)
The WildStar team is getting in on the Back to the Future Day fun by celebrating all things hoverboards.
Long predicted (and yelled about on the internet), WildStar has finally made the free to play transition.
The wait is over.
Carbine Studios is having a busy today.
WildStar's free to play launch is just days away now and Carbine Studios has decided to hold a midnight launch party as the free to play MMORPG goes live at midnight September 29th Eastern US time. Over on the WildStar Twit...
Magicman knows what I like.
Carbine Studios continues to release the changes planned for WildStar when the MMORPG makes its free to play conversion later this month and today crafting gets its reveal.
With Guild Wars 2 unpredictably going free-to-play, and its NCSoft compatriot, WildStar, ready to make the same, much more predictable, move later this month, only a few significant MMORPGs remain that still require an up-fron...
We recorded the Free to Play Cast last night.
WildStar's free to play beta continues into its second phase tomorrow afternoon as Carbine Studios takes the day today to review data from the first closed beta phase and to add new items into the game's free to play version.
We've known that Carbine Studios intended to implement a Loyalty type system pretty much from the moment they announced that their MMORPG, WildStar, would convert to a free to play model.
The ball is officially rolling!...
UPDATE: Whipple has tweeted that his position isn't just as part of Carbine Studios but as part of NCSoft as a whole.
Take a look at NCSoft's financial reports archive, and you'll see that the previous quarter's numbers have always been revealed about a month and a half into the next quarter.
WildStar's launch and first year didn't go so well, but at least Carbine Studios is showing the willingness to make changes.
It still feels a little weird writing about WildStar on MMOBomb, but I suppose that will pass soon enough.
Last month we reported on the WildStar subreddit attempting to limit "trolling" type posts by essentially banning discussion about F2P or B2P options the game may take.
After months of speculation, drama, and general craziness, the head honchos at Carbine Studios have finally gone on the record: WildStar will be transitioning to a free-to-play model this autumn. According to the details pa...
As reported by, a Redditor claiming to be a Carbine employee -- a claim apparently backed up by the mods of the WildStar subreddit -- has posted several details about WildStar's future and the generally grim atmosph...
Having looked through a bunch of financial reports lately, I'm amused by how, no matter how bad a quarter might look, the language will always be positive.
It was another solid quarter and year for NCSoft, as the company's most recent financial statement reveals.
A new report today from SuperData puts numbers to something we always knew: that MMO populations decline significantly after the initial rush right after launch.