If you want some story to go with your rampant tank destruction, Gaijin Entertainment has you covered.
If you want some story to go with your rampant tank destruction, Gaijin Entertainment has you covered.
For years, whenever we've talked about free-to-play games on consoles, we've said that it's fully free on PlayStation (and, more recently, Switch) but to play on an Xbox, you'll need an Xbox Live Gold subscription.
It's time once again for Valve to peel back the curtain and fill us in on the top games on Steam in 2020.
Last month's New Power update for War Thunder provided a lot of sweet eye candy for pilots looking at the world from above but not as much for ground forces.
Gaijin Entertainment has launched what it's calling the "biggest update ever" for War Thunder, which brings not only a bunch of new content to the game but also a new graphics engine -- especially sure to please users on the X...
Naval battles in War Thunder are about to get a lot bigger, with the addition of battlecruisers and battleships to the water-borne arsenals of every in-game nation in the upcoming New Power update.
War Thunder is getting an upgrade -- both to its engine and its platform.
Gaijin Entertainment is hoping to make a big splash on the next series of consoles.
There may be no Olympics this year, but you can still compete in the biathlon -- the Tank Biathlon and Sea Biathlon, that is, in War Thunder.
War Thunder's annual summer festival, cunningly named "Operation S.U.M.M.E.R." is in full swing, and, like in years past, players can earn vehicles by completing various tasks in the game. Six vehicles are up for grabs, inc...
The World War is on in War Thunder, kicking off with the "Road to the West" season that adds two new historical maps and a pair of new premium vehicles that players can earn in-game.
World War 3 is coming to War Thunder.
War Thunder's new update is titled "Starfighters" and no, it's not adding X-Wings or TIE Fighters to the game.
We've seen NASCAR drivers and Major League Baseball players use video games to simulate their sports over the past few months, rather than play them live.
When you can't assemble a crew for your movie because of COVID-19 restrictions, you do the next best thing: film your movie with the help of a video game.
You're probably staying at home this weekend.
The Vikings are invading -- and no, this isn't a headline from 793.
Another year passes and it's time again for another look at the top sellers on Steam.
Other websites are doing their Top Whatever of 2019 lists, but here at MMOBomb, we like to do things big.
A cold wind is blowing in War Thunder's latest update, which takes players to a new Scandanavian-themed naval map, as well as introducing a new Swedish aviation tech tree and a big improvement in graphical quality. Update 1...
War Thunder's "Shark Attack" update released this week, adding new Soviet helicopters, the game's first Swedish aircraft, more tanks, and an all-new South African location.
Have you thought to yourself lately, "Hey...
By now, you probably know how Steam operates: It takes a 30% cut of the sales of games it sells.
As a senior in high school in January 2017, Alex Balfanz and a friend created Jailbreak, a game on Roblox that cast players in the roles of either criminals trying to escape prison and wreak havoc on a city or as police office...
War Thunder is adding military vehicles from China in its September update, Night Vision.
War Thunder's summer event is ready to heat things up...
The Japanese Imperial Navy has arrived in War Thunder!...
It's not enough that Fortnite: Battle Royale is drawing inspiration from other battle royale games -- now it's taking a page out of War Thunder's and World of Warplanes' books, too. "Air Royale" is one of two limited-time g...
Corporal Walter O'Reilly is now reporting for service in War Thunder.