They suggest perusing their blog posts to deal with the downtime boredom.
They suggest perusing their blog posts to deal with the downtime boredom.
Now there’s more than one way to obtain player-made items.
Five of them were major.
The update also includes the “most modern French-produced fighter jet in the game”.
Of course, the update adds more vehicles, too.
A new gameplay trailer shows exactly why the cinematics team deserves some paid vacation.
It's tough to take down...but not impossible!
Other additions include a new German IFV and the first Swiss military aircraft.
The French Coastal Fleet will also see some beta testing soon.
Sure, new vehicles are here, but the real news is in air-to-air combat.
It will also introduce Belgian and Dutch aviation.
After all, Cuisine Royale did.
The update adds dozens of new military vehicles to the game.
And the Brits get a new helicopter.
You gotta work for it though, soldier.
There are a lot of changes for Spring and Summer.
Going forward, each event will only reward one vehicle.
The stats are based on total gross revenue over 2023.
We’re starting to lose track of the number of times this has happened.
Some very modern tanks are begin introduced, too.
Now’s the time to get your Black Hawk.
Yup, Halloween has arrived.
The map changes based on what era you're fighting in.
The update also includes new howitzers.
This is the third time this month.
There's a lot of new and shiny in War Thunder.
The vehicles represent every stage of the country’s military history.
Gaijin Entertainment conducted a study and are working to introduce better solutions.
In the "Pages of History" event, players can relive major wars like the Battle for Britain.
This season's main prize is the SPz 12-3 LGS, which is good for flanking.