Valorant (Page 3)

New Valorant Agent Looks Like An Angry Bot With Learned Powers

Riot Games has been hinting at a new agent coming soon to Valorant, and today we got our first peek at who that agent is and what he -- or maybe "it" -- can do. Today's agent reveal video for KAY/O is something of a confusi...

By Jason Winter -
Check Out Stellar New Agent Astra In Valorant's Act II, Now Live

Valorant's Episode 2: Act II update is now live, and its star is the cosmically named new controller agent Astra, who's out of this world -- or at least out of her body, from time to time. Astra can enter Astral Form, where...

By Jason Winter -
Valorant's 1.07 Patch Tweaks Five Heroes And Shotguns

Riot Games has already offered up some juicy technical insights into how it's making Valorant a better-optimized game, and yesterday pushed out a patch that deals with some easier-to-absorb changes. Sage, Killjoy, Viper, Br...

By Jason Winter -