Players spent years building characters and, imagine that, they'd like to actually play them.
Players spent years building characters and, imagine that, they'd like to actually play them.
Match bonus XP rewards were nerfed as well.
He also emphasizes the importance of listening to players on “Games as a Service” games.
Spending years playing a "main" character just to find out that they won't have much to do is making some concerned.
Even if you don't own Warlords of New York, you can get to level 40 and participate in "One Endgame."
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
You can give the game a whirl for a week.
Enter the Hubac Twins and the Chorus Fleet.
Ubisoft's free-to-play 4v4 arena FPS will be available on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.
Ubisoft's new shooter launches tomorrow.
"It's a bold strategy, Cotton, let's see if it pays off for 'em"
The F2P game is being scrapped so the company can focus on "fewer, bigger games."
Ubisoft decided to focus on current consoles.
We have an official date.
Mark Rubin says the recent server test went well.
There was misbalance between classes, bugs, and many couldn't even play properly.
It's time to play some XDefiant.
It's one reason I'm still buying physical media in 2024.
This isn't really surprising, but it is still disappointing.
Also, Skill-Based Matchmaking won't be implemented in Unranked playlists.
Unlike the skateboard, it emphasizes speed over tricks.
Season 1 will be titled The Sword of Ashfeld.
Phillippe La Peste awaits.
Alexander Karpazis says the nine-year-old FPS is still full of life.
There's a new textile vendor, as well as an abundance of game adjustments and quality of life improvements.
The game is live and players’ journeys have begun in the Indian Ocean.
This upcoming title will surely exceed all our expectations, right?!
Get your hands on one of the most divisive games of the year.
Here's what you need to know.
Well, not all about… There’s some monster hunting too.