Turbine (Page 3)

LOTRO Producer's Letter Bears Tidings Of New Class

The Lord of the Rings Online Executive Producer Aaron "Rowan" Campbell went to the LOTRO forums today to talk about the direction of the game over the next two years, including a reveal of the previously discussed "new class"...

By Michael Dunaway -
Infinite Crisis Video Interview - E3 2013

MMOBomb meets up with Turbine the developers behind Infintie Crisis to find out just what makes this Superhero MOBA different from all the others.

By Michael Dunaway -
Infinite Crisis Reveals New Coastal City Map

Infinite Crisis just keeps looking better, with today's announcement by Turbine at E3 showcasing a new map and a new twist on gameplay for the DC Universe-inspired MOBA. Unlike its circular sister map, Gotham Heights, Coast Cit...

By Michael Dunaway -
