Not to be outdone by Blizzard's announcement of the next World of Warcraft expansion, Trion Worlds took to Gamescom and dropped a ton of information regarding updates coming soon to every single one of the free to play games i...
Not to be outdone by Blizzard's announcement of the next World of Warcraft expansion, Trion Worlds took to Gamescom and dropped a ton of information regarding updates coming soon to every single one of the free to play games i...
Need a little boost while playing some ArcheAge?...
Trion Worlds always been listening to the negative feedback regarding ArcheAge -- the question has been whether the company could do anything about it. In response to a lengthy thread on the official forum regarding ArcheAg...
If you like Rift's PvP and are free today around 6:30 PM Eastern Time, you may want to take a peek at Trion Worlds' Twitch page.
If you're in the west you may not know a whole lot about Devilian Online.
Were you part of the mad rush of players to check out Trove, Trion Worlds' voxel based free to play title?...
It's easy to rag on ArcheAge most times.
If you've been wanting to play Trove since its launch on the 9th, you've probably had a rough time of it.
Trion Worlds' Defiance keeps trucking right along, just like the TV show, and this weekend the devs behind the free to play sci-fi title took to the official site to answer player questions.
Trion Worlds has pushed the button -- the big, shiny, red button, we're sure -- and officially launched Trove, its voxel-building/exploration/adventure MMO. Game Director Andrew Krausnick penned a welcome letter thanking fa...
My pattern with new free-to-play games that I'm not super-interested in often goes something like this: It goes into open beta, I play around with it for a few hours, just to get a basic feel for it, and then I ignore it for a...
Stop me if you've heard this before: Trion Worlds goes to Korea, finds a game it likes, and brings it back to North America. Right now, the "ArcheAge alerts" are probably going off in your head, and for good reason.
UPDATE: According to MMORPG.com, a user by the name of Darthem may have figured out what Trion is teasing.
Trion Wolds' sandbox voxel game, Trove, is getting ready for launch on July 9th and needs a bit of help from players to get the servers ready for the magic date.
July 9th is just around the corner so the team behind Trion Worlds' free to play game, Trove, are busy at work getting the last few patches into the game.
It's not uncommon at all to see your favorite MMO, no matter how popular, take steps to bring players closer together as the game ages.
"Moderate based on quality, not opinion.
If you're looking for a variety of ways to dish out destruction, Trove's new Boomeranger class has you covered. Pronounced "Boom-eh-Ranger," the new class tosses bombs, slices with swords, fires arrows, and yes, flings boom...
Some free-to-play games are more polarizing than others, with some sides taking the stance of "great, totally non-exploitative implementation" and others thinking "total pay-to-win trash." We'd like to see on what side of the ...
It's time for Trion Worlds to unleash the Echoes of Madness update complete with a new (well...revamped) raid, wardrobe system, new Instant Adventures, and a new Tale of the Deep.
There's another ArcheAge update just around the corner so Trion Worlds is starting to release some of the details players can expect to see in game.
Some free-to-play games are more polarizing than others, with some sides taking the stance of "great, totally non-exploitative implementation" and others thinking "total pay-to-win trash." We'd like to see on what side of the ...
MMO gamers love it when they get surprise emails from a game they used to play giving them a bunch of goodies to get them to come back and play.
On Friday, the Rift team took to Twitch to present their live stream detailing the upcoming patch 3.2.
Things always get a little dicey in ArcheAge come update time.
Trion's got access to a few more statistics about Rift than we do, and they put that to good use, creating a lengthy infographic with loads of data about player activity in Rift. The Guardians hold a slight edge over the De...
If you're an ArcheAge fan and you like long quests, lots of crafting, and a fair amount of work to get an awesome weapon (a la Final Fantasy XIV), the new Obsidian Weapon quest line that will be added in the Secrets of Ayanad ...
Happy Birthday to Rift!...
If nothing else, Defiance has some of the most creative names working in the MMO business.
This spring, Trove's "Take Flight" update will be bringing more than just game updates, a new class will be added to Trion Worlds' voxel sandbox game.