Nexon announced the South Korean Open Beta date for Tree of Savior, earlier today.
Nexon announced the South Korean Open Beta date for Tree of Savior, earlier today.
Time to spend some more time in Tree of Savior, the upcoming free-to-play game from IMCGames.
Get ready for some grinding and some serious meta game as we take our First Look at IMCGames' Tree of Savior currently in English Closed Beta. To find out more about Tree of Savior, check out the game page which includes mo...
Good news Tree of Savior beta testers!...
The Open Beta for NEXON and IMCGames Korea's Tree of Savior is launching next month; bringing with it a staggering 53 playable classes.
If you've been waiting on a key to the beta for IMCGame's Tree of Savior, now may be your chance.
IMCGames is getting ready to unleash the Tree of Savior English version beta!...
Well, Tree of Savior still doesn't have an "official" publisher here in the West, but perhaps a bit of Steam Greenlight love could get some publisher attention for incGames' upcoming free to play title.
IMCGames is continuing the development of Tree of Savior, their free to play MMORPG, and Nexon is moving the game to its second closed beta phase in Korea.
Not that we were really worried it wouldn't be, but it's nice to hear it from the source.