The Lord of the Rings Online's much-maligned mini-expansion, The War of the Three Peaks, arrives today and ...
The Lord of the Rings Online's much-maligned mini-expansion, The War of the Three Peaks, arrives today and ...
A test server for an MMORPG is used to, you know, test stuff.
The Lord of the Rings Online has a new expansion coming out soon -- and this time, we really mean "soon." October will bring players War of the Three Peaks, which was announced during a live stream and detailed on the LotRO fo...
Have we ever seen an MMORPG go through its death throes in real time?...
Let's hope that we're nearing the end of news regarding the catastrophe that was the server instability for Dungeons & Dragons Online and The Lord of the Rings Online over the past month.
Things were bad for a long time for The Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons & Dragons Online servers, then they got good, and now they may have gotten really bad.
If you're looking for a new home in The Lord of the Rings Online -- like, say, if some pesky hobbits caused sentient trees nearby to rise up and flood your previous domicile -- then you can now establish a new address in Rohan...
A few months ago, Blizzard co-founder Mike Morhaime shared some thoughts about the early days of World of Warcraft, particularly its social nature.
Dungeons & Dragons Online and The Lord of the Rings Online were nigh-unplayable for the better part of two weeks.
After a week-plus of up-and-down servers and general instability in The Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons & Dragons Online, Standing Stone Games finally appears to have things under control.
It's been a rough past four days for would-be players of The Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons & Dragons Online.
If you think people are getting married later in life these days, The Lord of the Rings Online has a doozy for you.
On June 19, Sir Ian Holm, the actor who played Bilbo Baggins in the Lord of the Rings movies, passed away at the age of 88.
The Lord of the Rings Online's experimental open PvP server, Bombadil, is now live.
As announced last week, Standing Stone Games is making The Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons & Dragons Online's expansion content free until the end of August.
Content in The Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons & Dragons Online has been free for a while, and it's going to stay that way for a while longer.
If your "pew pew" in The Lord of the Rings Online is just making you say "peeeew" -- as in the stinky kind -- lately, you're in luck.
Last month, Standing Stone Games made the decision to offer nearly all of the content for The Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons & Dragons Online for free until April 30.
The Lord of the Rings Online is turning 13 years old and has free gifts to give out to its Premium and VIP players.
Standing Stone Games has a busy year in store for players of The Lord of the Rings Online, as revealed in today's producer's letter from Rob "Severlin" Ciccolini.
Standing Stone Games is doing its best to make sure gamers stay home during the current global pandemic -- which is not something I thought I'd be writing about on a video game website, but here we are.
The last update for The Lord of the Rings Online gave adventurers in Middle-earth three new instances but no raid to serve as a capstone to the experience.
In The Lord of the Rings, Aragorn had to wait almost 70 years after meeting Arwen before he could marry her.
Only two things are certain: death and taxes.
For all the “innovations” that online games have pioneered over the past few years to generate additional revenue, the one that's received probably the least disdain from gamers is the season pass.
The Lord of the Rings Online's latest patch has added has three new instances in Minas Morgul to test hardy adventurers.
In the Lord of the Rings books and movies, the climactic moment of Frodo destroying the One Ring is followed up with a lot more material -- about 20 minutes of film, and several more chapters of the book.
I said previously that I was astonished just by the design of Destiny 2's worlds and how big and empty parts of them seemed.
When your game is 12 years old, has been through multiple payment models, and has more currencies than you can shake a staff at, it's understandable that mistakes will be made.
Brave adventurers will explore Sauron's most nefarious stronghold today when the Minus Morgul expansion goes live for The Lord of the Rings Online.