The main story picks up following the destruction of the Ironheart and introduces an early-generation Descendant.
The main story picks up following the destruction of the Ironheart and introduces an early-generation Descendant.
Oh, and the dev stream showed up the next episode's content, too.
The event isn't really "new content," it's more about just bonus rewards.
The festival consists of four in-game events and two web events.
The second Descendant coming in the season won't actually drop until Week 7 of the season.
Give the people what they want, I guess.
Q4 financials will be hit by a cancelled project's prepaid royalty impairment.
Everything from weapons to events gets a nod in the new post.
There's Halloween content coming, too, but we don't know a lot about that yet.
The season is pretty big but it won't take as long to release every feature as originally planned.
Hailey Scott brings some more chill to the Descendant's roster.
See everything the looter-shooter's first season will add.
Revenue is up more than forecasted for the second quarter and they expect the same in Q3.
Ultimate Valby, new weapons, and other improvements also drop into the shooter's world.
Chilling in the chair with a controller in hand, these are our favorites.
What’s an adventure without friends?
Impressive, most impressive, but you are not a Descendant yet.
Some icons, weapons, and more were called out as being almost unchanged from Destiny's.
It's put itself in like with Warframe, but can it compete?
These rewards were previously only for beta testers who met certain conditions.
To say the launch has been rough may be a bit of an understatement.
Other issues include the fact that both Destiny 2 and Warframe exist.
If you're playing tomorrow, you can download the game right now.
We've also got exact times for pre-download.
Electricity, Barriers, Water... get a look at 3 of the shooter's character gameplay trailers.
The way the team at NEXON plans to have you stay invested looks a lot like another game people love...
Looks like the looter shooter will make its "Summer" target release window.
Players will be able to test the in-game store this time.
Getting involved with a live service game is easier with a great story. Let's look at the setting for The First Descendant's.
All the dates and times you need to get one last foray in NEXON's upcoming looter-shooter.