Hear about the process from the game’s lead encounter designer and senior content designer.
Hear about the process from the game’s lead encounter designer and senior content designer.
The Ascending Tide DLC sets things up for the High Isle Chapter.
Because you always want to start off on the right foot.
Help Captain Kaleen track down the handsome scoundrel Jakarn.
Detailed instructions on how to transfer save files will arrive in April.
The update focuses on making most player abilities scale dynamically.
ZeniMax and Bethesda are making sure everything is ship-shape.
But it is probably one of the most honest...
The year-long story concludes with an “action packed 20-hour finale”.
Players don’t have far to go to hit the mark either.
In the early parts of the last decade, if you wanted help finding that hidden holocron in Star Wars: The Old Republic or navigating a difficult jumping puzzle in Guild Wars 2, chances are you visited MMORPG guide supersite dul...
It's not even noon on Monday, and the "slow news week" has been slaughtered faster than a low-level zombie in Fallout.
While we don't normally report on games that are temporarily free-to-play here at MMOBomb, we thought this weekend's selection of free PC games had enough high-quality titles to break with that tradition.
Is ZeniMax Online Studios looking to expand its MMO offerings beyond The Elder Scrolls Online?...
Star Wars: The Old Republic was going to be the game.
A job listing on the Bethesda Game Studios careers site gives an interesting bit of insight into one of the developer's upcoming titles -- which appears to be a free-to-play game of some variety. The listing for "Game Perfo...
UPDATE: Extra Credits has informed us via Twitter that the above video was actually created on Aug.
Last week, we put up a poll asking MMOBomb readers which game(s) they would most like to see go free-to-play.
With Guild Wars 2 unpredictably going free-to-play, and its NCSoft compatriot, WildStar, ready to make the same, much more predictable, move later this month, only a few significant MMORPGs remain that still require an up-fron...
A former Lord of the Rings Online Systems QA employee going by Aylwen has penned a long series of posts over on the LOTRO Community forums (not the official community forums for the game), calling out several current and forme...
A new report today from SuperData puts numbers to something we always knew: that MMO populations decline significantly after the initial rush right after launch.
Well the speculation is over.
Very quietly, things are changing for The Elder Scrolls Online.
With all due respect to the super-enjoyable-looking WildStar, there's just one mega-huge MMO in the works this year, and that's The Elder Scrolls Online.