The sixth faction for Crossout, Dawn's Children, has arrived in update 0.8.0, and they aren't your typical scavenge-the-wasteland-for-whatever-random-bits-of-metal-you-can-attach-to-your-car types.
The sixth faction for Crossout, Dawn's Children, has arrived in update 0.8.0, and they aren't your typical scavenge-the-wasteland-for-whatever-random-bits-of-metal-you-can-attach-to-your-car types.
Ready to ride the Big Black Scorpion?...
The apocalypse never seems to lack for fresh bodies.
Starting today, fans of post-apocalyptic vehicles can get their builds on in Targem Games and Gaijin Entertainment's Crossout.
Targem Games and Gaijin Entertainment announced the addition of a new competitive mode to their post-apocalyptic MMO Crossout.
My analysis of Crossout basically boiled down to "fun concept, now they just need to give it more varied gameplay." The team at Targem Games and Gaijin Entertainment agreed, and today they announced a new "Convoy Escort" game ...
Survival games aside, MMO players in 2016 don't like losing stuff they've earned.
Targem Games released a new video today highlighting some of the gameplay in their vehicle battle MMO Crossout.