Build and pilot your very own flying armored vehicle.
Build and pilot your very own flying armored vehicle.
Players that participate in daily challenges can earn rewards like blueprints, parts, stickers, decor, paints, resource containers, and badges.
"Crossout warriors switch from armored vehicles and lasers to carriages and ballistas!"
And a weapon that fires saw blades!
There's even a new fire-breathing shotgun relic weapon to craft as Season 7's battle pass kicks off.
There's a new update for Crossout called Guiding Star, and it brings a new season, new content, and a new battle pass, placing players smack in the middle of a new war with the Ravagers.
As if the post-apocalyptic world of Crossout wasn't dangerous enough, now there are tiny drones riding around with guns on them.
There's a snowstorm going on in Crossout -- because gunfire apparently wasn't enough of a hazard, so now drivers need to deal with icy roads, too. Actually, Update 0.12.30 "Snowstorm" brings a festive new mode, "Present Hei...
Targem Games' post apocalyptical vehicular combat game Crossout has some shiny new content for players to check out, including a new PvP map known as "Clean Island" -- so named because it contains a water purification science la..
Gaijin Entertainment and Targem Games have their holiday event in Crossout up and running, and it's got all the decorations and spookiness you'd expect from a post-apocalyptic Halloween event.
Just because the apocalypse has come, that doesn't mean we can't still visit amusement parks, right?...
Sure, loading down your car with a small arsenal and blowing your opponent to bits in Crossout is fun, but sometimes you need the thrill of pure, unabashed speed.
It's time once again for football -- or "soccer" to some of us -- in Crossout.
The latest update for Gaijin Entertainment and Targem Games' post apocalyptic game Crossout adds a new class of vehicle cabins and models, updates the Power Plant map, and tosses in new PvE enemies for good measaure.
Maybe we're all headed for an apocalyptic future, so now's the perfect time for a post-apocalyptic game to update and offer incentives to help avoid that fate, right?...
The new faction in Crossout uses old-world construction equipment to wreak havoc on the battlefield -- which, when you think about it, isn't such a bad idea.
Gaijin Entertainment and Targem Games are celebrating the spooky season in Crossout with a Witch Hunt.
Crossout's latest update features the fourth horseman of the Apocalypse, Pestilence, who is clearly behind the times.
Everyone loves Rocket League, so it's no surprise that Crossout now has its own "cars playing soccer/football" mode.
As if the post-apocalypse wasn't tough enough to get by in already, now there's a Mass Contagion in Crossout.
Targem Games and Gaijin Entertainment's car-and-carlike-objects battler Crossout has rolled out update 0.10.50, which contains a new story campaign and new PvP map, as well as a special event to commemorate VE Day. The "Con...
Crossout's "Dude, Where'd You Get The Car?...
If talk of "volumetric clouds" doesn't get your Monday off to a rip-roaring start, then nothing will.
Are you ready for capital-A Adventure, Crossout fans?...
A new content update for Targem Games' vehicle combat game Crossout has been released.
First, Crossout did a battle royale.
Even if an open beta isn't technically a launch, that doesn't mean you can't celebrate its anniversary.
If normal cars, trucks, and other assorted vehicles in Crossout aren't big enough for you, now you can try something even larger.
For most of us, Knight Rider was an awesome TV show with a talking car from the '80s.
H1Z1's reign as the only vehicle-based battle royale game didn't last long.