Thanks to a previously undisclosed clause in the document outlining the Alliance between the Romulans, Klingons, and Federation, Romulans will soon be able to pilot more than just their own ships.
Thanks to a previously undisclosed clause in the document outlining the Alliance between the Romulans, Klingons, and Federation, Romulans will soon be able to pilot more than just their own ships.
When Star Trek Online's next expansion hits in June, it will introduce a new faction for players to earn reputation with.
Star Trek Online players who might have been on the fence about picking up a monthly subscription need not think about it any longer.
When Star Trek Online releases the Victory is Life expansion, players will be able to explore the Gamma Quadrant and take part in the war against the Hur'q.
Star Trek Online's next big update, Victory is Life, focuses on Deep Space Nine and the Gamma Quadrant, so it should come as no surprise that you'll run into the occasional Cardassian or two.
Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment have always made good use of its vast repository of lore for Star Trek Online.
A new episode is on the horizon for Star Trek Online players.
Star Trek Online's fourth expansion, Victory is Life, pays tribute to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
Remember lifetime subscriptions to MMORPGs?...
If you're looking for an excuse to feel old.
Ahead of Star Trek Online's next big update, the Infinity Lock Box has returned, offering players a chance at items from many previously-retired lock boxes.
If you missed picking up some of Star Trek Online's more elusive goodies available only via past episodes, then now is the time to fix that.
Much of the talk/controversy surrounding loot boxes lately has dealt with their recent inclusion in full-priced games, like Star Wars Battlefront II or Middle-earth: Shadow of War.
When it comes to the winter holiday season, even chaos loving entities like to get in on the action.
It's time for players of Perfect World games to get their hands on some "Black Friday" deals.
Geordi La Forge is coming to Star Trek Online!...
Update: Official word has come down from Perfect World Entertainment, which provided this statement to MMOBomb: "Following the news that Motiga has reduced the staff of its studio, Perfect World Entertainment can confirm th...
Today, Star Trek Online captains can join Captain Geordi LaForge and Captain Kuumaarke of the Lukari to explore the Lukari-Kentari colony on Dranuur.
All good Star Trek fans are familiar with the Kobayashi Maru, the "no-win scenario" test that Kirk -- kinda-sorta -- cheated to beat.
Geordi La Forge reporting for duty!...
Next month, Star Trek: The Next Generation turns 30 years old.
Perfect World Entertainment is holding weekend bonus events for two of its free to play MMOs.
Star Wars: The Old Republic was going to be the game.
Despite their intimidating natures, Klingon jails aren't very well-known for their security.
Long time fans of Star Trek will be familiar with the Kobayashi Maru scenario -- also known as the "no-win scenario".
Last week, Cryptic Studios and Wizards of the Coast announced a new upcoming Magic: The Gathering MMORPG.
This week, Star Trek Online Season 13 launched on consoles continuing the saga of the Lukari as they joined the spacefaring races.
As they say in Game of Thrones, "Summer is coming." Or something like that.
Season 12 of Arc Games' sci-fi MMO Star Trek Online is coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 later this month.
Star Trek Online is adding a new system to improve matchmaking for PvP.