Players must face the sinister presence of Vecna and his cult in Morgrave University.
Players must face the sinister presence of Vecna and his cult in Morgrave University.
Players can attend the wedding of Arwen and Aragorn, but more importantly earn sweet rewards through event-related quests.
A new story begins in a renewed King's Gondor.
That’s 43% higher than last year.
"LOTRO is like the long-lived Ents, Elves and Dwarves; and we mere mortals, are the stewards of LOTRO and its community."
You will become immortalized in the Hall of Heroes or permanently die trying.
The anniversary event kicks off tomorrow with the arrival of the next patch.
There are now multiple ways to get the latest LOTRO expansion.
The 5th Season of the Legendary Items Reward Track is almost here as well.
LotRO’s devs offer a look at the year to come.
Before the event's launch, the devs patched in adjustments to the Guardian class, quests, and more.
So many aspects of this expansion refresh integral parts of LotRO to maintain player retention.
Grip of the Hidden Hand adds new content and gameplay changes.
It seems Standing Stone Games needs a little more time.
The Plane of Manbar has changed Delera’s Graveyard
The upcoming map is an area of gorgeous wetlands that has seen many historic events.
Goodies include free Quest packs.
MMORPG players are used to hopping from quest to quest, but LotRO shines best in its quest logs.
Celebrate all weekend in the Shire and beyond.
Fans can purchase three different versions, ranging from $19.99 to a high roller version for $99.99.
Housing will see some big improvements soon.
Follow Boromir on his journey to Rivendell for the founding of the Fellowship.
More endgame content will be introduced soon.
Join the twins Elladan and Elrohir as they venture from Rivendell to Lothlórien.
Is a journey through Middle-earth worth taking even after multiple expansions were made free?
Including a few localization improvements for German and French UIs.
Explore new areas and enjoy the festivities with your friends!
Also free: High Elf race, three premium classes, and -- for VIPs -- last three expansions.
Expects "LOTRO boost from Amazon show" in 2022.
New Producer Tolero lays out plans for Hardcore league, adventure pack, and more.