5 games with the same cozy vibe as Animal Crossing, including one free-to-play MMO. Sometimes you just wanna chill!
5 games with the same cozy vibe as Animal Crossing, including one free-to-play MMO. Sometimes you just wanna chill!
A little fun and sun and cute rewards.
And just in time, world and data center travel restrictions have been lifted… Somewhat.
Chase a slot machine while it spits out coins? Sure, sounds legit.
Players can even win an “I Beat Valigarmanda” t-shirt.
What’s an adventure without friends?
You just need to buy three teas.
The first of the Dawntrail raid series has arrived.
They’re also looking into the problems with housing lighting.
Yes, they’re listening to player feedback.
And yes, that means you can finally get your Collectors Edition goodies.
So far, the journey’s been pretty smooth.
The new site provides all kinds of information for people planning their summer vacation.
And there’s a manatee.
The Twitch campaign offers other items that will come in handy as well.
For those that are looking to challenge themselves in some way.
It seems we’ll have fewer options than we might have thought.
Plus, we’re getting wing mounts.
There’s information on everything from job changes to chat bubbles.
Dynamis is getting four new worlds.
Just a few weeks to go until Dawntrail!
Some folks are still going to have to figure out another way to pay this month.
If you don’t already have your silly King Slime Crown, you’ll be able to get it soon.
Players who’ve been away can get in four free days of playtime.
"It's a bold strategy, Cotton, let's see if it pays off for 'em"
Combos, skill adjustments, and a first look at Viper and Pictomancer are among the highlights.
The Return Home to Vana’diel Campaign is underway.
It looks like being primarily PlayStation isn’t working out so well for them anymore.
Gotta have that Future Funk!
There’s also a cactaur dining table for those who want to torture themselves during dinner.