The path to becoming a god in Skyforge, My.com's upcoming free to play MMORPG, is a long one.
The path to becoming a god in Skyforge, My.com's upcoming free to play MMORPG, is a long one.
Google is my spirit animal.
If you bought one of Skyforge's Founder's Packs or were lucky enough to win a key from the game's official website (or from our own website) then get ready because you'll be able to jump back into My.com's free to play MMORPG ...
As far as end game content goes, we already know that Skyforge, My.com's upcoming free to play MMORPG, will feature dungeons at launch and raids sometime after launch.
With the Skyforge forum debacle regarding monetization stirring up quite the discussion, the team at My.com said they would be discussing monetization soon.
My.com's free to play MMORPG, Skyforge, is setting the groundwork for their Western open beta.
I didn't think I'd be writing another Skyforge article so soon today.
Time to lock in your choice for the first class you'll be playing when you jump into My.com's Skyforge at launch.
Skyforge continues its journey to launch today by revealing details about the Lightbinder class.
Skyforge's first round of closed beta testing concluded yesterday (check out the Free to Play Cast later today for our initial opinions on beta) and players have been asking when the next round of testing would begin.
My journey towards becoming a god in My.com's Skyforge continues!...
Skyforge is the free to play "becoming a god" MMORPG developed by The Allods Team and Obsidian Entertainment and published by My.com.
As Closed Beta was about to start this morning, the team behind Skyforge, My.com's upcoming free-to-play MMORPG, released their next installment of the Dev Diary series.
If you were lucky enough to get a beta key (or purchased your way into beta) for My.com's upcoming free-to-play MMORPG, Skyforge, you should probably pay the game's site a visit right now.
Skyforge is gearing up for closed beta and today, My.com has announced that the magic date for those of you waiting to jump into the free-to-play MMORPG is March 11th.
Skyforge has another lengthy blog post today, this one about its version of guilds, known as pantheons.
YouTuber Valthier recently got himself a nice chunk of gameplay in a stress test for Skyforge on its Russian.
Holy info graphic, Batman!...
I have to admit, I kind of like these zone reveals for My.com's upcoming MMORPG, Skyforge.
In the latest class reveal, the team behind Skyforge shows of the Gunner class.
As 2014 closed, we saw a bit of Skyforge, but most of the information given out really just led to more questions.
Now we're starting to get to the good stuff...or at least the stuff that will tell us even more about how Skyforge will actually play.
If you're eagerly awaiting the release of Skyforge, My.com has published the latest lore reveal to catch you up on the game's world and background.
The berserker is the newest class to be revealed in Skyforge, and it's clear that he could use some counseling sessions.
If you've been dying to get a peek at what The Allods Team, Obsidian Entertainment, and My.com have up their sleeves with Skyforge, then get your butt over to the official site to sign up for beta.
In most MMORPGs, there's a feeling of your character being a bit more powerful than the world they inhabit after a period of time.
Dynamic events, zerg rushing, big bosses, blah blah blah...
What do gods do to entertain themselves when they're not out answering the pleas of their mortal worshipers?...
While Skyforge's previously revealed class, the Cryomancer, enjoyed plenty of ways to keep enemies at a distance, the MMO's newly detailed Paladin class has quite the opposite priority in mind.
When someone asks you if you're a god, Ray, you say, "Not yet, but I will be if I play Skyforge." That's the promise of My.com/Allods Team/Obsidian Entertainment's upcoming MMO Skyforge, in which players can become gods and...