My.com was created as a domain by Mail.ru in 2013.
My.com was created as a domain by Mail.ru in 2013.
Once again, the Mechanoids return to Skyforge for another go at conquering Aelion and, of course, it's your job to stop it.
The My.Games portfolio of games continues to rake in the rubles for its corporate overlord, Russian tech giant Mail.ru.
Once again, the memories of the battle for Aelinar returns to literally haunt the players of Skyforge.
About a month and a half after launching Skyforge on the Nintendo Switch in February, My.Games has announced the first big update for the game on the system.
Skyforge has launched on the Nintendo Switch, bringing its action gameplay and godlike powers to a new platform.
If you've got a Switch and are anxiously awaiting the release of Skyforge on Nintendo's system next week ...
Was exoskeletons in Skyforge on your Christmas list?...
Okay, I'm pretty sure this is the last holiday event post of the year.
Remember when we said Skyforge would be coming to the Nintendo Switch in the fall?...
Throughout the month of December, My.Games is celebrating the season across several games.
Mail.ru, the Internet conglomerate that operates My.Games, announced its 2020 third-quarter financial results today.
My.Games' free-to-play sci-fi MMO Skyforge is now available to even more players than ever, thanks to Nvidia's cloud-based streaming service GeForce Now.
Skyforge has demons this October, invading Aelion and wreaking havoc, while offering up spooky gear as rewards.
My.Games action MMORPG Skyforge is coming to a new platform this fall.
While there's a bit of a lull in Skyforge activity, the devs have come up with a contest to keep players entertained.
Free stuff abounds in a trio of My.Games' products in this month's "Ready Player Sun" event -- which, you have to admit, is a clever way to title your summer-themed celebration.
If you missed out on the King's Ransom grand prize in Skyforge back in December, now's your chance to try again.
When all this started -- you know what I mean -- I mused that the video game industry, reliant as it is on people sitting at home anyway, would fare pretty well.
Days of Glory have come to Skyforge, inviting Immortals to experience multiple events to commemorate the Battle for Aelinar, 850 years ago.
As promised back in March, Skyforge's fifth anniversary expansion has arrived on PC.
Over the past few years, seemingly every game has been scrambling to climb aboard the battle royale train that was kicked into high gear by Fortnite in 2017.
In just a little over a week, Skyforge's Fifth Anniversary update will be unleashed on players.
If you can't be convinced to stay at home these days for the betterment of humanity, maybe some bribes will work.
If you're been waiting on Skyforge's Fifth Anniversary expansion, you're going to have to wait a bit longer.
The fifth anniversary of Skyforge is almost upon us, and My.Games has a bunch of events scheduled for later this month, including a new divine form that has "the blue lifeforce of infinity." I didn't know lifeforces had colors...
Russia's Mail.ru published its most recent financial report yesterday, detailing both quarterly figures for the last three months of 2019 and its results throughout the whole year.
PS4 Skyforge players will need to take on a special rescue mission involving travelers from a new world, thanks to the appearance of a space portal connecting to planets.
Another round of King's Ransom has begun in Skyforge (for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One players).
A new update has been released on PC for My.Games' MMO Skyforge.