Boring old normal abilities not enough for you, Rift fans?...
Boring old normal abilities not enough for you, Rift fans?...
As a standard rule, most MMO dungeons are all about the fights.
Earlier this week, Trion experienced server issues across its games.
Black Friday is almost upon us, and soon the braver (or crazier) among us, will be beating the tar out of each other in department stores in order to get the best deal on that sweater their kids never asked for.
Rift's Starfall Prophecy expansion is expected to launch today, bringing a level cap increase (to 70), new zones, new dungeons, the new legendary abilities, planar fragments, and so much more into the free-to-play MMORPG.
In just a couple more days (November 16th), RIFT's Starfall Prophecy expansion will go live.
RIFT players don't have (too) much longer to hop into Starfall Prophecy.
Things are getting creepy in Telara as the Autumn Harvest event returns to RIFT.
The beta for RIFT's upcoming Starfall Prophecy expansion -- which was supposed to start...
Get ready for some comet-hopping in Rift, as the latest expansion, Starfall Prophecy, is almost ready to go live.
I haven't gone off on a good inventory management-related rant for a while, but the latest news coming from Rift has inspired me.
One of the many things coming in RIFT's next expansion, Starfall Prophecy, is something known as "Planar Assault Adventures".
Rather than just throwing a whole new set of higher level abilities at its players, it appears RIFT has decided to make some existing abilities bigger and better.
PAX West is kicking off tomorrow and Trion Worlds will be there in full force highlighting new content for four of its games: RIFT, ArcheAge, Trove, and Atlas Reactor.
After accidentally leaking their new RIFT expansion by putting it up for sale before announcing it -- and then quickly removing it from the store -- Trion has officially "revealed" Starfall Prophecy.
Recently, rumors began swirling about a possible RIFT update titled "Starfall Prophecy." This speculation by various sites came on the heels of the discovery that Trion had filed for a trademdark featuring that title.
For a long time, I've railed against traditional quest-and-level MMOs – “WoW clones,” if you will.
Are you creative?...
Here in the real world, Summer's been hanging out for about a week now, but in game...
A new raid is live in RIFT according to an announcement from Trion.
Trion Worlds CEO Scott Hartsman recently opened up to VentureBeat in a lengthy interview on the occasion of Rift's five-year anniversary -- which actually occurred in March but, eh, close enough.
A new intrepid adventure titled Mind of Madness launched in RIFT today.
RIFT is offering new players a bit of help when it comes to leveling up.
Patch 3.6 is here and the team at Trion Worlds has dropped a plethora of new items into their free-to-play MMORPG, Rift.
Trion has released a preview of one of the new ascended souls available in the upcoming 3.6 update.
Trion is preparing to launch Multicore support for the free-to-play MMORPG RIFT and they're looking for beta testers.
Trion World's free-to-play fantasy MMO RIFT is turning five, and the team is ready to celebrate.
Trion Worlds is taking a lot of heat recently for the changes it's made to the cash shops in Rift and Trove.
Artifact collection has been a major feature of Rift since the game launched.
Rift is coming up on it’s 5th anniversary and Trion is preparing to celebrate -- beginning with the first major update of the year, 3.6: Celebration of the Ascended.