Niran PruksaManee hails from Thailand and specializes in plant-based technology.
Niran PruksaManee hails from Thailand and specializes in plant-based technology.
Play Catch-A-Mari on the event-themed Hanamura from now until April 4.
Graphs show that players were matched up against those ten ranks above in some cases.
Overwatch 2 delivered the highest quarterly figures for player numbers and hours played in Overwatch history.
Players will be able to purchase epic and legendary-tier skins with them.
A leaked battle pass, a new neon city, and a new god.
More changes to come as NetEase searches for new potential distribution partners in China.
Seems some audio of snake sounds attached to the skin make it almost impossible to hide or hear opponents' footsteps.
Characters will have "reimagined abilities that will channel the power of the gods."
A bit of a slip-up during the "Twitch Makes Overwatch" livestream.
"We have received a lot of feedback this year, and our teams are always listening."
We could probably dig a Horizon MMO, could you?
The stream kicks off at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time!
Come January, Blizzard will announce the 36 countries participating in the tourney.
Black Panther numbers get massive and Runescape Ironman max level achievement is INSANE!
Plus, some new mythic skins inspired by the Greek Gods.
New games and updates to favorites! It's a busy week headed into the holidays!
Raise shields or get really angry and use some rocket punches to win the day.
Seems like every big company is fighting at the moment, who will be the last one standing?
Pre-paid phones have been enabled so now the policy is fully reinstated.
Or maybe we will just have a lot more of the same.
Viewers will get "an early look" at the mysterious newcomer.
The character is said to return on November 15.
Sojourn is not getting a nerf, at least not yet.
We are super pumped for Redfall...but a longtime Overwatch fan isn't happy with Overwatch 2 at all.
Experience the next chapter in Dr. Junkenstein’s saga.
*Happy robot noises*
Did it really need to be a full sequel or could this have just been DLC?
Kind of a silly reason to delay things, but it kind of makes sense?!
Some characters really need to be nerfed ASAP, but that’s not how Blizzard sees it.