Obsidian Entertainment (Page 4)

Armored Warfare Shows Off Tank Classes

We haven't heard much from Obsidian Entertainment's Armored Warfare for a while, but they're making up for that in a big way today, with a 13-minute video about tank classes, narrated by Senior Producer Josh Morris. Not sur...

By Jason Winter -
Skyforge Technical Beta Weekend Next Week

If you've been dying to get a peek at what The Allods Team, Obsidian Entertainment, and My.com have up their sleeves with Skyforge, then get your butt over to the official site to sign up for beta.

By Michael Byrne -
Stryke Hard With Armored Warfare's Newest Ride

Here's your latest engine of destruction in Obsidian Entertainment's upcoming tank battler Armored Warfare: the M1128 MGS Stryker Armored Fighting Vehicle.

By Jason Winter -
E3 2014: Obsidian Unleashes Armored Warfare Roles Video

Obsidian Entertainment's looking to break into the tank-fighting arena with Armored Warfare, today giving us a video look at gameplay action and three types of tanks. The video highlights the recon, MBT, and artillery vehic...

By Michael Dunaway -
God Complex: Skyforge Trailer Introduces World of Aelion

When someone asks you if you're a god, Ray, you say, "Not yet, but I will be if I play Skyforge." That's the promise of My.com/Allods Team/Obsidian Entertainment's upcoming MMO Skyforge, in which players can become gods and...

By Michael Dunaway -
