After being delayed from its original launch date, Cryptic Studios has now launched the latest update, Elemental Evil.
After being delayed from its original launch date, Cryptic Studios has now launched the latest update, Elemental Evil.
Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment have unleashed the free to play world of Neverwinter on the XBox One today.
In the upcoming Elemental Evil module for Cryptic Studios' Neverwinter, two iconic characters will be making an appearance and fighting alongside players as they stem the tides of evil.
Though there's yet to be any official word -- which will probably include language like "restructuring to better position ourselves for a competitive marketplace" -- it appears that Perfect World has been hit hard by a wave of...
Cryptic Studios has announced that the upcoming Elemental Evil module for their free-to-play MMORPG, Neverwinter, may have been a bit more ambitious than originally thought.
We first received confirmation that Neverwinter would be heading to Xbox One seven months ago.
On March 17, evil has a new name.
The move to consoles is almost complete for Cryptic Studios' MMORPG, Neverwinter.
Cryptic Games has released more information about their upcoming Neverwinter class addition, the Oathbound Paladin.
Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic Studios have a lot on their plate for Neverwinter in 2015, and today's press release details the highlights players can look forward to in 2015. Neverwinter: Elemental Evil will be th...
Neverwinter, the free-to-play Dungeons & Dragons based MMORPG from Perfect World Entertainment, is just about ready to take the next step towards their much advertised Xbox One release.
Perfect World may be making a move toward becoming a private company.
Perfect World's profits are down in the most recent quarter.
We're now one week away from the launching of Neverwinter's conclusion to the Tyranny of Dragons storyline, Rise of Tiamat.
As Neverwinter fans wait for the Rise of Tiamat release later this month, Cryptic Studios is bringing back a fan favorite event from earlier this year.
With the Rise of Tiamat coming, it isn't all about content updates for Neverwinter.
Neverwinter's Tyranny of Dragons module will soon be drawn to a close as the "Rise of Tiamat" update will drop on November 18th. From the official announcement: "As the Cult of the Dragon look to resurrect the five-heade...
Today on Bomblive, Magicman revisits NeverWinter.
With Tyranny of Dragons concluding on the Neverwinter severs soon, the release of the 5th Edition rule set for tabletop D&D players, and the general hype surrounding all of the D&D world right now, we thought this would be a g...
What is Dungeons & Dragons without some dragons?...
You have to hand it to Cryptic Studios.
Today Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment announced their MMORPG, Neverwinter, is ending its Open Beta and will officially launch on June 20th.
For most games, Open Beta is a chance to iron out the last few bugs, balance issues, and UI problems before officially launching.
Anyone who's played Neverwinter can tell you just how confusing the MMO's currency system really is.
Cryptic Studios Neverwinter MMO was released into open beta today which means no more wipes, way more content and a chance once again to stab people in their shins as a halfling.
As the April 30th launch date for Perfect World's new Neverwinter MMO approaches, the developers have released a new trailer for the Great Weapon Fighter class.
Neverwinter has gotten one of those newfangled open beta launch dates.
Leading up to the third beta weekend, Spunkify was invited to check out the latest mini-dungeon mode called Skirmish along with the Domination style PvP.
Neverwinter has a serious infestation going on.
During an exclusive closed beta, Spunkify was invited to check out Neverwinter's first major dungeon available called The Cloak Tower.