AION's Update 5.1 is on the way and it's bringing with it 6 new instances for players level 66 and above.
AION's Update 5.1 is on the way and it's bringing with it 6 new instances for players level 66 and above.
NCSoft is introducing a new end-game dungeon to its free-to-play MMORPG Blade & Soul.
Guild Wars 2's Living Story continues today with Chapter 2 of Season 3, Rising Flames.
As with the last Guild Wars 2 update, next week's Rising Flames update adds a new map to Tyria -- though it's also got an old-school taste, being based on a region that was explored in the original Guild Wars. Game Designer...
Next Tuesday, Guild Wars 2 fans will get the newest installment in Season 3 of the Living Story.
ArenaNet said that Guild Wars 2 players would get new content updates roughly every three months, but that appears to have been untrue -- in a good way.
Things aren't looking great for South Korean MMO companies, according to a report on the Financial Times.
It's never good when an MMORPG erases your progress.
To celebrate the many years players have spent with the game, the Lineage II team has decided to introduce a Player Appreciation Pack -- available for a short time.
Those awaiting new things to do in Blade & Soul will have the chance very soon.
It's that time of year again, time for another financial statement from NCSoft.
In response to player concern over the cost of weapon upgrades in Blade & Soul, and problems obtaining materials, NCSoft announced they will be reducing the evolution cost for Silverfrost weapons by 30%.
The second public Alpha playtest for NCSoft's upcoming MOBA Master X Master is officially underway.
ArenaNet has launched a big update for Guild Wars 2, delivering its first chunk of non-raid-focused content since Heart of Thorns' launch last October. Out of the Shadows kicks off season 3 of GW2's Living World with a new ...
Season 3 of Guild Wars 2's Living World story kicks off next Tuesday, July 26, and ArenaNet's got some graphic-y goodness to get you in the mood.
WildStar's latest update is live, bringing with it the Chua Warrior and Aurin Engineer race/class combos developers promised a while back.
The next chapter in the Aion story is officially live and ready to play in NA.
Two new Masters have arrived in NCSoft's action MOBA, MXM.
After what's seemed like an interminable wait, ArenaNet has made an official announcement regarding its next set of content-rich episodes for Guild Wars 2's Living Story -- along with a vow to release that content in a more ti...
Aion update 5.0 "Lost Memories" is set to hit EU servers on August 10.
NC Soft and Tencent are introducing a new game to the Blade & Soul IP.
The Blade & Soul story continues later this month with Shadow of the Innocents, which introduces Acts 5 and 6 of the epic story in NCSoft's Chinese martial-arts MMO.
Aion's next major expansion, Echoes of Eternity, is set to hit the servers in less than two weeks.
Korean investment firm KDB Daewoo's latest document detailing NCSoft's financial status is more wide-reaching that its usual reports.
Lineage II's new expansion, Helios, goes live today, continuing the Chronicle of Lineage prequel storyline and bringing with it five new factions and raid bosses, new quests, and a new zone, Dreadnaught Superion. Dreadnaugh...
WildStar is getting ready to boldly go where nearly every MMO has gone before.
Time to check out the Alpha test of NCSoft's upcoming free-to-play Master X Master or MXM.
Apparently this week is fashion week in the free-to-play MMO world.
Polish up your scepters, sharpen your greatswords, and...
NCSoft released the latest class for its free-to-play MMO Blade & Soul today.