It's nearly April Fools' Day, and in Guild Wars 2, that means it will soon be time to bring the Super Adventure Box back online.
It's nearly April Fools' Day, and in Guild Wars 2, that means it will soon be time to bring the Super Adventure Box back online.
Blade & Soul's next update will hit servers in just a week.
Korean developer Netmarble Games, which was sued by NCSoft while working on Lineage 2: Revolution -- an event that seemed not to be a hindrance in Revolution becoming one of NCSoft's top games -- has yet another legal issue to...
Following the release of Heart of Thorns, Guild Wars 2's first expansion, further content releases were … sparse, to say the least.
Blade & Soul's next update is set to release later this month.
The slightly delayed next installment in Guild Wars 2's Living World now has a title and a date.
A best-in-slot item in the cash shop?...
It's amazing what an expansion can do for a game's financial outlook.
Call of the Deep, Blade & Soul's newest update, launches tomorrow (Jan 7th).
SuperData's just released its 2017 Year in Review for Digital Games and Interactive Media.
Master X Master, NCSoft's aborted attempt to enter the MOBA biz, is shutting down one week from today, Jan.
Blade & Soul fans, how many of you have thought to yourselves, "I really want to look like a tiger today."?...
Insider trading of stock in video game companies is nothing new.
Stardew Valley was one of the best-selling games of 2017, so adding gardening to an MMO makes perfect sense in 2018.
Among the things I might be a little less inclined to wear on my head, a two-tier cake that looks slightly like the Devo hats would be one of them.
It's prediction time again!...
NCSoft announced recently that the next major update for Aion, titled Heart of Frost, will be hitting the game's servers on January 10th.
ArenaNet's in the holiday spirit, bringing Wintersday to Guild Wars 2 next week, and also gifting players with a small balance update targeting condition builds. The Wintersday patch brings the usual festivities back to Tyr...
If your thing is scantly-clad lady pirates (and I'm sure it is for some of you.
AION's Solorius festival is under way and players have several opportunities to get their hands on Christmas-themed goodies.
Blade & Soul's next major update will implement a lot of changes to the game's systems.
The first major post-expansion update for Guild Wars 2 is now live.
It's already been two months since Path of Fire launched, which means it's just about time for a new chapter in the continuing saga of Guild Wars 2.
Wow, ok, I personally didn't see this one coming but according to a press release JUST issued by NCSoft their free-to-play MOBA Master X Master (MXM) will close down effective January 31st 2018.
Blade & Soul is raising its level cap in December, from 50 to 55, when the Dawn of the Lost Continent update goes live.
Lineage Eternal is finally returning -- kind of -- after being put on the back burner a few months back by NCSoft.
Time marches on, even for dragon-slayers and god-conquerors.
Today, NCSoft revealed a few details for the next act in the Blade & Soul story.
Who wants more random things you get by spending money?...
The NCSoft financial report for the latest quarter has just been made public.