There is a lot to be discovered in the "Rage with the Machinist" update.
There is a lot to be discovered in the "Rage with the Machinist" update.
With the help of Tony Stark, apparently.
The new themed festival is available to play today.
Blowing up adversaries and mowing them down with a gatling gun feels so satisfying.
Players are getting free goodies following a major issue with the game’s update on Wednesday.
Not too long ago, the maintenance was extended an additional three hours.
You won’t want to miss out on this adorable new companion.
There are perks to having pets.
Affected players will receive a a special compensation pack as well.
Both gifting and powerpasses are still disabled.
There’s going to be another festival too.
The update includes a new summer event in addition to the new class and content.
Ready your cards.
Players can find them in the expo hall Saturday and Sunday.
Is review bombing ever ok? Yeah, it can be abused, but can it be used for good, too?
Claim the compensation package now!
The time has come to take on the Vykas Legion Raid after a small maintenance time delay.
Get ready to take on the Covetous Legion Commander.
No release date has been confirmed for western servers.
It also gave them more time to wrangle bots.
Bots were a big problem the team wanted to get a grasp on, too.
More new raids are on the way, as is the new mage advanced class.
Twitch streamers Saintone and ZealAmbitions offer tips and tricks to players.
And it's a mighty big one!
Hammer time!
"Since Lost Ark launched, we’ve been fighting a war against the bots infiltrating Arkesia."
Enough players finally meet the requirements.
With the new advanced class, Glaivier, it is finally time to explore South Vern.
Get ready to fight legions of demons for the Throne of Chaos.
If there are things you were confused about, this might help.