Recently we reported about Guild Wars 2 player reactions to the new RNG "Adoption License" system ArenaNet implemented for some of it's skins.
Recently we reported about Guild Wars 2 player reactions to the new RNG "Adoption License" system ArenaNet implemented for some of it's skins.
Let's face it.
First, we'll settle the "It's only cosmetics!...
The latest update for Dauntless added a bunch of stuff to Phoenix Labs' monster-slayer F2P game.
Eurogamer has an interview up today with David "Siigari" Pietz, described as a "DJ and audio engineer" and "small-time Twitch streamer." What makes Pietz interesting is that he's a self-professed gaming "whale" who, by his est...
It's the “Season of the Loot Box,” and everyone's got their two cents to put in – which would buy you about 1% of a typical box in most games. By now you've probably seen the various thinkpieces that are popping up al...
Our commonly accepted acronyms on this website include F2P, B2P, P2W ...
Since the dawn of time, RPGs have used something akin to real-life “rules” when it comes to loot acquisition: if you kill something or someone, you can take stuff from their corpses.
This could be a big one.
While Neverwinter is removing functionality to let players "preview" loot boxes, Guild Wars 2 is going in the opposite direction. Today's GW2 patch grants players the ability to right-click on most loot containers in the ga...
Could the government really regulate lockboxes effectively?...
We've got an update on that Remote Gambling Bill in Singapore we discussed last week.
At least one person is freaking out over a new anti-gambling bill that's up for debate in Singapore that would put a major crimp in that country's free-to-play gaming industry.
By now, it seems that just about every free-to-play game includes some form of lockboxes.