Today on Bomblive, Magicman jumps into Star Wars: The Old Republic to get his Juggernaut ready for the upcoming expansion.
Today on Bomblive, Magicman jumps into Star Wars: The Old Republic to get his Juggernaut ready for the upcoming expansion.
Today on Bomblive, Spunkify hops into the Steam version of Quake Live for some good ol' fashion arena FPS action.
Today on Bomblive, Spunkify returns to the Alpha worlds of Albion Online, where he's heard rumors of new mechanics making their way into the Ultima Online inspired MMO.
Today on Bomblive, when evil threatens the world a team of elite soldiers well past their primes known as the "Broforce" must be called upon.
Having just returned from Pax Prime armed with a fresh alpha key for Trion's voxel-based MMO Trove, Spunkify sets off to discover what handcrafted wonders await to be discovered.
What do you get when you combine Mechwarrior with the Mars Rover?...
Today on this special episode of Bomblive, Spunkify is joined by a few Reto-Moto developers as he checks out the newest improvements to the tactical WW2 MMOFPS, Heroes & Generals.
Today on Bomblive, Spunkify journeys into the deep crypts of Hearthstone's Naxxramas expansion.
Today on Bomblive, Spunkify and Jason Winter find out what it means to be a disposable NC soldier made of nanites in Planetside 2.
Today on Bomblive, Spunkify finds himself one of only a handful of survivors stranded among the remnants of a post-apocalyptic society filled with bandits and blocky zombies.
Today on Bomblive, Spunkify is on the hunt for Orc Blood in Orcs Must Die!...
Today on Bomblive, Spunkify leaps, twirls, twists and turns in the acrobatic martial arts MMORPG Swordsman Online.
Today on Bomblive, we take a look at the Open Beta for War Thunder's Ground Forces expansion.
Today on Bomblive we check out Aeria Game's upcoming FPS F.E.A.R.
Today on Bomblive we check out Minimum, the once cancelled Third-Person shooter now being developed by Human Head Studios.
Today on Bomblive, it's been a while since MMOBomb returned to take a look at Hi-Rez's third-person MOBA SMITE and what better time to do so with the introduction of SMITE's new SIEGE mode! Tune in at 2PM PST as Spunkify learns the ropes of this new mode while trying out some of SMITE's latest gods.
Today on Bomblive, Spunkify has gained access to the ArcheAge alpha and is taking his first steps into the boat-building, farm raising, hang gliding, world within.
This week on Bomblive, Spunkify braves the new frontier of Albion Online.
This week on Bomblive, Spunkify turns to the streets of Gotham in search of justice served with a side of destructibility.
This week on Bomblive, Spunkify stalks the rooftops of Nosgoth as a ferocious vampire in search of unsuspecting morsels.
This week on Bomblive, Spunkify marches into battle in the new and completely free FPS-RTS hybrid Renegade: X.
This week on Bomblive, Spunkify strolls once more into Strife to check out how S2 Games, Gorilla filled MOBA is doing.
Spunkify explores the lands of Landmark as he searches for precious ore and encounters many a manor to admire!...
Today on Bomblive, Spunkify drops in to see just how many ways he can blow up others (and himself) in the high octane shooter Loadout.
Spunkify gets down and dirty with the Duelist class in Aura Kingdom on this week's episode of Bomblive.
Spunkify streams Destroyer gameplay of the Chinese Blade and Soul open beta.
It's a blast from the past that just so happens to be F2P!...
On this episode of Bomblive, Spunkify teams up with his Stallion of a F2P Cast Co-Host Jason Winter!...
On this episode of Bomblive, Spunkify faces off against his most worthy opponent yet, F2P Cast Co-Host Squid!...
On this episode of Bomblive, Spunkify returns to Warframe after many months to survey the changes.