Love is in the air ...
Free-to-play games are rife with microtransactions.
You're probably not aware of the amount of work it requires to make your favorite game run at 60 frames per second.
SuperData's 2016 gaming year in review is now available for free on the market research firm's website.
Since the dawn of time, RPGs have used something akin to real-life “rules” when it comes to loot acquisition: if you kill something or someone, you can take stuff from their corpses.
E-sports are a pretty big deal.
League of Legends developer Riot launched a new companion site for the free-to-play MOBA today.
The Jungle is coming alive with the introduction of the League of Legends 2017 pre-season update.
Tarzaned, the No.
The League of Legends' 2016 Championships have finally come to an end and one team has risen to the top -- again.
League of Legends is a complex game, and Riot Games is OK with that.
Recently unveiled at Worlds, the Star Guardians "new creative fiction" for League of Legends re-imagines five of its champions as "magical girl" anime characters.
If you want to play a MOBA on a console in North America or Europe, your choices are pretty much confined to Smite and the beta version of Paragon, and that's about it. But wait!...
Gaming research firm Newzoo has just released its report on Twitch viewership in August, and a couple of free-to-play MOBAs sit atop the rankings.
Riot Games -- developer of the popular free-to-play MOBA League of Legends, is turning 10.
Make a list of what you think are the free-to-play games with the best cash shops.
Riot Games has announced Live/Play, a documentary series that offers a look at several top League of Legends players and gets a more personal look at their struggles, triumphs, and tragedies.
Korean investment firm KDB Daewoo's latest document detailing NCSoft's financial status is more wide-reaching that its usual reports.
Sometimes you just have to look at someone's creation and say, "Yeah, that's way more than I'd ever be willing to do," and be OK with it.
It's no surprise to learn that competitive gaming rules the Twitch airwaves.
League of Legends patch 6.9 is coming tomorrow, May 4, and it's a big one.
Free-to-play gamers who open their wallets spend $91.58 per year on PC and console F2P games, according to market research firm Slice Intelligence.
In many cases, esports are still playing catch-up with more well-established sports, though that gap may have just narrowed a bit.
Limited-time Tavern Brawls in Hearthstone have proven to be a fun way to engage players outside of the typical constructed and Arena modes, and it looks like Riot Games has taken notice.
A new system designed to help players always be sure they have someone to team up with has been added to Riot's free-to-play MOBA League of Legends.
League of Legends is finally coming to Japan.
Long-time MMOBombers might know that I have a love-hate -- no, wait, make that hate-hate -- relationship with MOBAs.
League of Legends brings in more money than any other video game in the world -- and it's not especially close. That's the news from SuperData Research today, which came out with worldwide top 10 lists for the highest-gross...
As a followup to previous music making endeavors, Riot Games has released an all new album composed for those players who want to get super hyped before a match.