Jagex (Page 8)

Jagex Is Hiring For A New Free-to-Play MMO

A couple of months ago, we reported on Jagex partnering up with computation platform SpatialOS for the creation of "new online experiences." If some job postings on the Jagex site are any indication, plans for those new experi...

By Jason Winter -
RuneScape Offers A Glimpse Of What's To Come In 2017

Since this is the beginning of the year, Jagex has decided to expand on their monthly "Month Ahead" episodes for RuneScape and make a video looking forward over the next 12 months instead. As 12 months is a pretty long amount o...

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Jagex Confirms Purchase By Chinese Company

It was rumored four months ago that Jagex was in talks to be acquired by a Chinese mining company, and today those rumors were confirmed -- mostly. What we know is that Jagex has been acquired by a Chinese company.

By Jason Winter -
Chronicle Patch Adds Cards From Old School RuneScape

The latest patch for Chronicle: RuneScape Legends goes live today, bringing with it a bunch of new cards that are sure to please players of Old School RuneScape, as well as the usual assortment of balance changes and gameplay ...

By Jason Winter -