InnoGames (Page 2)

May's Innogames TV Features Forge of Empires Guild Expeditions

If you're a fan of Innogames' Forge of Empires or Elvenar then you're in for a treat as the team has released their May edition of Innogames TV to provide updates on both free-to-play titles. On the Forge of Empires side, t...

By Michael Byrne -
InnoGames Acquires Funatics Software

Forge of Empires developer Innogames announced today that the Funatics Software GmbH team has been added to the company ranks.

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Forge Of Empires Launches Future Era

Beginning today, fans of InnoGames' free-to-play city building game, Forge of Empires, can build in the future.

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Elvenar Adds "Fellowship" Feature

Innogames' free to play city builder/strategy title Elvenar may not have everything you want in a game.

By Michael Byrne -
Elvenar - First Look Gameplay

Elvenar is a browser based, strategy/city building, resource based game currently in Closed Beta.

By Michael Byrne -
InnoGames Calls Off Rising Generals Development

InnoGames is reporting that the development of their upcoming strategy game, Rising Generals, will be brought to a halt and the teams working on the game will be reassigned to Elvenar (recently entered closed beta) and to othe...

By Michael Byrne -
Elvenar Accepting Sign Ups for 2015 Closed Beta

InnoGames, the team behind titles such as Forge of Empires, is now taking beta sign ups for Elvenar, a city building/battling online, browser based game.

By Michael Byrne -
