The newest patch for Heroes of the Storm goes live on the PTR this week, and it's got the usual assortment of bug fixes, hero changes, numerical tweaks, and so on.
The newest patch for Heroes of the Storm goes live on the PTR this week, and it's got the usual assortment of bug fixes, hero changes, numerical tweaks, and so on.
Is everything fine at Activision Blizzard?...
With all the recent changes around Blizzard's MOBA, Heroes of the Storm -- not to mention the rumors of more Acitivison Blizzard layoffs in the works -- it's pretty easy for fans to end up thinking we won't be seeing much of any...
On GamesIndustry.biz, QC Games President and CEO Dallas Dickinson has plenty to say about his company's game, Breach, which is currently in early access.
In traditional sports, you'll rarely hear about a team owner refusing to pay his players.
Over the past few days, several Hearthstone players have been receiving a survey from Blizzard via email.
Imperius, Diablo III's leader of the Angiris Council and the Aspect of Valor, has officially joined the fighters in the Nexus -- taking on the role of a warrior.
Now that we've covered the free-to-play gaming news you totally saw coming, it's time to take a look at the surprises from 2018.
A new Hero is joining the Nexus on the Heroes of the Storm PTR in just a few days.
What exactly the recent changes at Blizzard mean for their MOBA Heroes of the Storm is still a bit questionable, but thanks to the game's Production Director we now know a bit more.
Yesterday evening, fans of both Heroes of the Storm and esports received some surprising news regarding the game and its esports programs.
If you've ever wondered if Heroes of the Storm's Stitches could be cute...
Changes are on the horizon for Sylvanas in Heroes of the Storm, according to a recent post on the game's Twitter account.
Heroes of the Storm's Next hero is unlike any hero seen in the game before.
It seems Blizzard isn't done with staff changes yet.
The patch notes are out for Heroes of the Storm's latest PTR update, and with it, details on the next Hero to join the Nexus, Warcraft's Dreadlord Mal'Ganis. Mal'Ganis is a Warrior Hero that draws upon his dark abilities in...
Heroes of the Storm's latest patch has dropped, bringing with it a new ranked season, major changes to one of the game's maps, and improvements to team and solo play.
Belgium has said that card packs in Electronic Arts' FIFA games are gambling.
Earlier today, Blizzard posted on the forums for Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch to say that paid loot boxes for both games will soon be disabled for gamers in Belgium.
Gamescom is kicking off in Cologne, Germany this week, and we all know what that means...
It looks like new skins are in the works for Heroes of the Storm.
Over the last few days, Blizzard has slowly been revealing more and more about Heroes of the Storm's next Hero, Sally Whitemane.
Today, the Heroes of the Storm team offered players a look at what's currently in production for the game.
Blizzard is celebrating the addition of Yrel, the Warrior to the Heroes Of The Storm lineup in a big way, and one lucky player is going to reap the benefits.
The Alterac Pass has finally been added to Heroes of the Storm and is now available in all non-ranked game modes.
Blizzard is offering Heroes of the Storm fans free in-game items for connecting their accounts to Twitch and tuning in to watch the Heroes of the Storm action.
Heroes of the Storm's next update pays homage to the war between the Horde and the Alliance and the battle in Alterac Pass.
Heroes of the Storm just handed out another round of account suspensions and bans -- not for hacking or cheating, but for failing to actually contribute while in matches.
Heroes of the Storm's next event is bright, colorful, and filled with wrestling masks, pinatas and cute chihuahua mounts.
Heroes of the Storm has been around a while now, but unlike most of Blizzard's other games, it's lore has been a little overlooked.