UPDATE: Blizzard has issued a statement, received by Kotaku, addressing the recent changes to card art: The recent changes were applied to make those cards more visually cohesive and consistent with the art style of Hearths...
UPDATE: Blizzard has issued a statement, received by Kotaku, addressing the recent changes to card art: The recent changes were applied to make those cards more visually cohesive and consistent with the art style of Hearths...
The bad guys stole the spotlight -- and a lot more -- in Hearthstone's last expansion, Rise of Shadows, and now it's time for the good guys to strike back.
Hearthstone is five years old, but Blizzard is still tweaking its class balance and core cards available to each class.
There's a lot to cover in today's Hearthstone update -- alternatively titled "Rise of the Mech," or simply "14.4" if you like your update names boring -- so let's get right to it. First off, log in between today and July 1 ...
Hearthstone is having a mech-themed event, during which players have a chance to earn a gold copy of the new Legendary Mech SN1P-SN4P.
Is Apex Legends running out of gas?...
The League of E.V.I.L.
It's time for evil -- or, more specifically, E.V.I.L.
SuperData's February digital games report is now out, and to nobody's surprise, Apex Legends makes the list as one of the top-grossing games of the month. As you can see in the chart below, Apex Legends made its debut at #6...
Hello darkness, my old friend -- and the focus of the next expansion for Hearthstone. Hearthstone's Year of the Dragon kicks off soon, and yesterday Blizzard filled us in on what's coming in next month's expansion.
Is everything fine at Activision Blizzard?...
How much would a full set of Hearthstone cards cost?...
Another round of card changes are coming to Hearthstone next week, affecting five cards, including one that's going under the knife for a second time.
Tired of grinding out win after win to advance up the ranked ladder in Hearthstone?...
When you're on top, there's nowhere to go but down, right?...
Over the past few days, several Hearthstone players have been receiving a survey from Blizzard via email.
Beginning today -- and running through the end of the month -- Hearthstone players can join in on the seasonal festivities and earn some nifty rewards.
It's time for da Rumble Run, mon!...
A CCG, online or not, can't exist with just one format.
The wait is over and Rastakhan's Rumble is now available in Hearthstone.
Hearthstone's next expansion -- Rastakhan's Rumble -- was announced today during the BlizzCon opening ceremony.
In recent days, there have a few blog posts/articles on gaming industry sites that basically boiled down to this: You probably aren't good enough to succeed on your own.
It's October, and we all know what that means.
SuperData's August 2018 digital games report is in the wild, and it paints a dire picture for League of Legends.
The Hearthstone team at Blizzard weighed in on its current state and what players can look forward to in the near future in a blog post yesterday.
Knights of the Frozen Throne was a Hearthstone expansion last year.
Earlier today, Blizzard posted on the forums for Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch to say that paid loot boxes for both games will soon be disabled for gamers in Belgium.
I know a new expansion has just come out, but take a break from all your hardcore Hearthstone strategizing and just enjoy some physics!...
The Boomsday Project has left the lab and is now available to Hearthstone players everywhere.
Digital CCGs are a big money maker -- if the latest report from SuperData is anything to go by.