Things have quieted down a bit since Sony Online Entertainment became Daybreak Game Company -- and seemingly lost half its staff in the process.
Things have quieted down a bit since Sony Online Entertainment became Daybreak Game Company -- and seemingly lost half its staff in the process.
The latest patch for Daybreak Games' survival game, H1Z1, is now live and it brings with it a bit more than just a few upgrades for the free to play game.
Those are Daybreak's words, not ours.
If you head on over to Twitch and check out any H1Z1 streams lately, you'll probably find that a high percentage of the active streams at any given time are people playing on Battle Royale servers.
No, it's not an awards show for H1Z1...
I've been wondering for a while just how Sony Online Entertainment is doing, from a financial standpoint.
A new report today from SuperData puts numbers to something we always knew: that MMO populations decline significantly after the initial rush right after launch.
By now, you're probably aware of what H1Z1 is: zombie survival post-apocalyptic PvP permadeath keyword keyword keyword.
It has now been 24 hours since the early access for Sony Online Entertainment's (SOE) zombie survival game, H1Z1, has opened up.
H1Z1 launches its early access today, and we'll be there shortly after the servers go live -- in theory, at least.
True to his word, Sony Online Entertainment President John Smedley today spilled the beans on H1Z1's early access date and other sundry details.
The headline pretty much says it all, doesn't it?...
A little vehicular manslaughter is always nice – unless you're the one stuck to the grill of a speeding 4x4.
Death was waiting for me. No sooner do I spawn into H1Z1 for the first time than I’m set upon by a pair of zombies, looking to turn me into their personal hors d’oeuvre. Hor d’oevres? Whatever.
SOE's got three games in the works right now (that we know of, at least).
Reddit regular John Smedley laid out a six-pronged approach to monetization for SOE's upcoming F2P zombie survival MMO.
SOE went back and forth a bit when their initial plan for subscriptions met with some fan resistance.
It had been hinted at for some time that Sony Online Entertainment was working on...