Guild Wars 2 (Page 16)

Guild Wars 2 Fans Organize In-Game Pride March Across Tyria

As a show of support for people of all lifestyles and gender identification, some Guild Wars 2 fans are organizing "Pride March Tyria," to take place next Sunday, June 26, around the time of the daily reset.

By Jason Winter -
Guild Wars 2's Spring Update Coming April 19

ArenaNet's just about ready to deliver on the much-ballyhooed spring update to Guild Wars 2, which will go live next Tuesday, April 19. As befits the company's modus operandi, not much is being officially said about what wi...

By Jason Winter -
NCSoft's Q4 2015 Financials: Everything's Up!

It probably should have been obvious from the optimistic tone set by WildStar's state of the game address a few days ago, but today we got the confirmation we needed that the game might have been successfully resuscitated.

By Jason Winter -
Journeying Into The Heart of Thorns - Guild Wars 2 BombLive

Guild Wars 2's first expansion is out in the wild, and I'll be gliding and slaying and making a mess of the jungle dragon's carefully laid plans. Come enjoy the livestream broadcast on our official Livestream page every Mon...

By Jason Winter -