It's nearly April Fools' Day, and in Guild Wars 2, that means it will soon be time to bring the Super Adventure Box back online.
It's nearly April Fools' Day, and in Guild Wars 2, that means it will soon be time to bring the Super Adventure Box back online.
Following the release of Heart of Thorns, Guild Wars 2's first expansion, further content releases were … sparse, to say the least.
The slightly delayed next installment in Guild Wars 2's Living World now has a title and a date.
It's amazing what an expansion can do for a game's financial outlook.
According to the internet, February is National Friendship Month (and yes, there's a specific Friendship Day in February too), so it kinda makes sense that ArenaNet has decided to have a friendship-related event for Guild Wars 2...
Population imbalances have long been an issue in Guild Wars 2's World vs.
SuperData's just released its 2017 Year in Review for Digital Games and Interactive Media.
How about some good gaming news for a change?...
It seems like we'll see some kind of regulation regarding loot boxes in video games sooner rather than later.
Stardew Valley was one of the best-selling games of 2017, so adding gardening to an MMO makes perfect sense in 2018.
One of ArenaNet's New Year's resolutions involves you...
Back in November, ArenaNet dropped the Hall of Chains raid into Guild Wars 2.
ArenaNet's in the holiday spirit, bringing Wintersday to Guild Wars 2 next week, and also gifting players with a small balance update targeting condition builds. The Wintersday patch brings the usual festivities back to Tyr...
Unlike a lot of politicians, Representative Chris Lee of Hawaii isn't just all talk.
Thinking about Star Wars: The Old Republic this week, especially that interview from 10 years ago.
The first major post-expansion update for Guild Wars 2 is now live.
It's already been two months since Path of Fire launched, which means it's just about time for a new chapter in the continuing saga of Guild Wars 2.
Loot boxes are already regulated in China, and thanks to the recent loot-box-o-rama in gaming, the same thing might be happening soon in Belgium. According to PCGamer, which is getting its info from a translated Belgian new...
Time marches on, even for dragon-slayers and god-conquerors.
Who wants more random things you get by spending money?...
Recently we reported about Guild Wars 2 player reactions to the new RNG "Adoption License" system ArenaNet implemented for some of it's skins.
The NCSoft financial report for the latest quarter has just been made public.
First, we'll settle the "It's only cosmetics!...
Four of NCSoft's top MMORPGs were hit with DDoS attacks yesterday, rendering it nigh impossible to log into Aion, Blade & Soul, Lineage 2, and WildStar.
Path of Fire, the latest Guild Wars 2 expansion, released just about a month ago on September 22, bringing with it new adventures and places to explore -- and all new music to set the mood.
It's the “Season of the Loot Box,” and everyone's got their two cents to put in – which would buy you about 1% of a typical box in most games. By now you've probably seen the various thinkpieces that are popping up al...
Five years ago, when I was trying to get a friend to try Guild Wars 2, he commented that it looked OK, but he was "tired of fantasy MMOs." It's an understandable concern.
Guild Wars 2 is getting into the Halloween spirit with the return of the annual in-game Halloween Festival "The Shadow of the Mad King." The event kicks off today and runs through November 7.
Path of Fire launched in Guild Wars 2 last month, and despite players thinking they knew what to expect, it turns out there was at least one surprise left.
ArenaNet has released the second expansion for Guild Wars 2, Path of Fire.