Guild Wars 2 (Page 13)

Guild Wars 2 Celebrates Your Friendships

According to the internet, February is National Friendship Month (and yes, there's a specific Friendship Day in February too), so it kinda makes sense that ArenaNet has decided to have a friendship-related event for Guild Wars 2...

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Wintersday And Balance Update Coming To GW2 Next Week

ArenaNet's in the holiday spirit, bringing Wintersday to Guild Wars 2 next week, and also gifting players with a small balance update targeting condition builds. The Wintersday patch brings the usual festivities back to Tyr...

By Jason Winter -
Belgium Looking To Classify Loot Boxes As Gambling

Loot boxes are already regulated in China, and thanks to the recent loot-box-o-rama in gaming, the same thing might be happening soon in Belgium. According to PCGamer, which is getting its info from a translated Belgian new...

By Jason Winter -
BombPoll #2: Are You Tired Of Fantasy?

Five years ago, when I was trying to get a friend to try Guild Wars 2, he commented that it looked OK, but he was "tired of fantasy MMOs." It's an understandable concern.

By Jason Winter -